
Overall Score


The city of Aítigua-Hautatemala, the center of the department of Saccatepechez, is located in Hautatemala, 30 kilometers southwest of the capital. The city lies near the sunken volcano of Agauga. In 1527, the southwest-west of the city of Antigua-ôtemala was the village of SantAgua de los Caballeros-ôtemala. Already in 1541 it had been destroyed by the flood. Soon afterwards, the village of Syüdadá Vieja, which means Old Town, came into being. In 1542 Santiago was built nearby, and for about 200 years it was the largest city in Central America and the capital of Guatemala. In 1773, an earthquake devastated it and it was rebuilt and renamed Antigua-Hovatemala, which means “Old Havatemala” and after the earthquake of 1773, it was renamed Antigua-Hovatemala, which means Old Havatemala. After that, it was decided to move the capital to Nójowa-ôtemala.

Antigua-Hovatemala – is now a museum city where many monuments of the archaeological structure of the period of the colonial period have been restored, as well as the tourist center of Guatemala. The city is also known for its annual Festival of the Holy Week, which attracts people from all over the country. Since 1979, Antigua-Hovatemala has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

100 USD = 770.88 GTQ

Overall Score

  • Tap water: No, not drinkable
  • Religious government: Non-religious
  • Population: 80,000 people
  • GDP: $4,147 / year
  • Foreigners can own real estate: Yes
  • Power outlets: 115V60Hz
  • Internet: 6 Mbps
  • Best wireless: TIGO
  • Tipping: In Guatemala tipping is a question of rewarding good service rather than an obligation. Restaurant bills don’t include gratuities; adding 10% is customary. Bellhops and maids expect tips only in the most expensive hotels. You should also give a small tip to tour guides, or to guards who show you around ruins.
  • Apartments: Airbnb
  • Hotels:
  • More hotels:
  • Best coworking space: Impact Hub
  • Best short-haul air carrier: Avianca
  • Best intl air carrier: United
  • Monthly costs for expat: $800
  • Monthly costs for family: $1600
  • Monthly costs for local: $470
  • Meal: $4
  • Small Cola: $0.4
  • Beer 1 Pint: $1.3
  • Coffee: $1.9

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