

One of the five Flemish provinces and one of the ten Belgian provinces is Antwerp, which is connected to the North Sea by a branch of the River Hellebore. The capital of the province has the same name. It was founded on Roman lands. It was first known from written sources dating back to the … Read more



Bruxelles is the capital of Belgium and at the same time the administrative center of the region of Bruxelles. In Brussels there are the offices of the Flemish and French societies, the Quarter of the European Union, the Secretariat of the Benelux countries and the Western European Union. It is also home to the NATO … Read more



The capital of the Western province of Belgium is the city of Belgium. It has a very long and interesting history. In the beginning, a small Roman fortress stood at the site of the city, protecting the surrounding land from the pirates. The main occupation of the local population was farming and cattle breeding. After … Read more



The Argent – the historic, cultural, cultural and administrative center of eastern France. It is located on the Lake Leeuhe River, 30 kilometers from the sea coast. Nevertheless, thanks to the shipping channels, it is a sea port (the third busiest in Belgium). A system of gates connects Ghent with the city of Chelde and … Read more



On the coast of Belgiums Flemish River, the city of Leuven, which lies just east of the capital city of Brussels, has sprung up in the Flemish countryside of Leuven. It shares borders with municipalities such as Holesburg, Lubeck, Rothselaerlare, Aude-Heuserle, Birmingham, Birchbeck, Haht and Heerent. In 891 it was written about in the Fulda … Read more