
Overall Score


Bangan, the capital of the Central African Republic, is on the northern bank of the Wanda River, which marks the border between the country and the Democratic Republic of Korea. Across from Bangui on the other side of the river is the city of Zongo.

The northern outskirts of the city are surrounded by rolling hills. In the center of the housing estate there is a large market and most of the nightclubs. The central part of the city occupies the outskirts. It is embellished by the Arc de Triomphe, installed in honor of the Bocassas. It contains the Presidents Palace and the central bazaar.

The original purpose of the city was to establish a French military post in the territory of the Oubanguinea-Chariri Colony, which was later changed to the Cuban-Chariri Colony. Subsequently, it became part of the French Eastern Africa. In the colonial period the village was an administrative station. It still does the same today as the capital of the Central African Republic.

The citys name, translated as “Porrody” is the same. March 1986 was a tragic month for the city. A French airline plane crashed on its territory at the time, killing people.

The restaurants in Bantu are notable. They are divided into three types. The first is the type that specializes in French cuisine. Although the interior of the establishments has an African style and the menu offers African dishes. The second type of restaurant is foreign cuisine. The third type is the popular African restaurants. The many bars and grocery stores are a successful complement to them.

As a result of archaeological research on the site of Bengal, experts have found many ancient objects that testify to the settlement of the area during the Iron Age. Todays Bengal is the center of trade and commerce. It produces textiles, soap and shoes. A brewery is in operation. ×Some of the products are for export, including coffee, sisal, cotton, and lumber. The first branch of the Bank of Western Africa became active in the city in 1946.

Local time: 11:34 am
100 USD = 60,901.71 XAF

Overall Score

  • Tap water: No, not drinkable
  • Religious government: Religious
  • Population: 730,000 people
  • GDP: $394 / year
  • Power outlets: 230V50Hz
  • Internet: 1 Mbps
  • Best wireless: Telecel
  • Tipping: 95% of the people in the Central African Republic average tipping percentage in restaurants is between 10% to 18%.
  • Apartments: Airbnb
  • Hotels:
  • More hotels:
  • Best hospital: Hpital Gnral
  • Best short-haul air carrier: Kenya Airways
  • Best intl air carrier: Kenya Airways
  • Monthly costs for expat: $950
  • Monthly costs for family: $600
  • Monthly costs for local: $180
  • Meal: $1.7
  • Small Cola: $0.2
  • Beer 1 Pint: $0.6
  • Coffee: $0.5

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See also