
Overall Score


Terez – the second largest city after Vienna, with a population of more than twenty-five hundred and fifty thousand people. Grabars economy is based on machinery, brewing, textiles, chemicals and food industry. And the International Fair, held every year in Grabar, is an important commercial and industrial event in South-Eastern Europe. It is home to four academic universities: the University of Medicine, the University of Technology, the University of Charles and France and the University of Music and Performing Arts. In addition, there are two universities with a narrow focus: one in philosophy and one in economics.

Ãðráz – a city known for its attractions: The main square, the Karmelite Square and the Bell Square, the castles of Bourg and Schlossberg, The tour includes the Cathedral and cathedral, St. Egydius Cathedral and the French Monastery, the Castle-Hall of Eggenberg, and the Attainment Palace. The Main Square – the historic center of the city, should be the first place to view the Palace. The monumental form of the square with its pantheon in the center, dedicated to the Eugene Hermann, and a mixture of styles: Baroque, late period, and classism in the architectural structure of the surrounding buildings – create an unmistakable atmosphere. In addition, the city structure and the Sturturk Palace are in the square.

The castle of Schlossberg, built in 1125, is located in the old city and sits on a high hill. This is reflected in its name, which translates as Castle Hill.

It is remarkable that the castle was never seized until 1809. In the castle itself, a favorite tourist attraction is the Chapel Tower, built in 1265. It offers a stunning view of the Gratz and the surrounding countryside. There are three ways you can get to the castle. The first – by foot. But its not an easy way uphill, so most visitors choose to use two of them: A lift or a funicular, and then walk on the way back.

The Cathedral of St. Egydius Cathedral was built in 1174. The decoration of the cathedral uses brick and bar glass, and the windows have stained-glass windows. The interior of the cathedral is richly decorated: the central altarpiece is made of different colors of marble, there are many carvings and sculptures, and the walls are embellished with numerous frescoes. In the 15th century it was reconstructed, and from the 16th century onwards it was reclassified by the Gábúsburgs.

On the river Muir, on the right bank of the River Muir, you can see a tall white belfry with a cauldron – this is the cathedral of the French monastery, which was built in 1239. On a sunny day, the light pouring in from the wings does wonders to make the atmosphere shimmer above the altar, adding to the rich interior of the church. In the beginning the monastery was founded by the Minority Monks, but in 1515 it was taken over by the French.

The castle castle of Ehrenhamber, built by Prince Ehrenhamber in 1625, is rightly regarded as the greatest castle of its time. Designed in the finest tradition of Buddhism, it is utterly unlike its contemporaries: it lacks the screaming exuberance and brilliance of the structures of the Age of Awakening. The castle is ingenious in its apparent simplicity. It is designed in such a way that the sun falls through all of its windows in succession throughout the day, and there are exactly 365 windows in it. In a series of gates in the adjacent park, and in the corners of the palace are four towers representing the elements or the seasons of the year. Apparently, the architect meant to combine the two.

Another feature of the castle is the Domekirche church. There is a legend that in the time of the plague in 1365, about fifty people were miraculously cured there. Later, in the 16th century, the church was rebuilt and its original appearance was lost. Today, it is a beautiful building with a remarkable architectural structure. Its gilded gold interior, interspersed with murals of icons and images of the saints, is a memorable experience.

Besides, the museums must be visited in the Grâce: the Austrian Open Air Museum, the Arsenal and the Museum of the Inhumaneum.

The Austrian Museum of the Open Sky is 60 kilometers from the Grâce in Øtubing, in the Mura Valley. Founded in 1962, it covers an area of sixty-six hectares. The museums exhibit consists of ancient peasant life and has been collected all over Australia. Its exhibits include blacksmiths, mills, ammunition, wagons, farm implements, and ancient houses of peasants. You can see the old Alpine huts, the capitol house, and the cattle houses, all covered by a cattle proverb. And its all in the wilderness area. The museum is open to the public from April through October.

Arsenal – a major gun museum with more than three hundred exhibits, covering over three centuries of gun history. Among them are some that can be boldly called works of art &n

100 USD = 92.63 EUR

Overall Score

  • Air quality: 11 US AQI Good. Air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk.
  • Tap water: Yes, safe to drink
  • Religious government: Non-religious
  • Population: 280,000 people
  • GDP: $44,857 / year
  • Foreigners can own real estate: Yes
  • Power outlets: 230V50Hz
  • Internet: 26 Mbps
  • Best wireless: Holiday Phone
  • Pay without cash: No, cash only esp. for foreigners
  • Tipping: If you receive good service you can leave a gratuity of around 5%, or round-up the bill – the same applies for bars and cafés. There is often a service charge already added to the bill (around 12.5%), but it’s customary to round-up the bill in addition to this.
  • Apartment listings:
  • Apartments: Airbnb
  • Hotels:
  • More hotels:
  • Best taxi: Uber
  • Online electronics shop: Saturn
  • Best hospital: Graz Ragnitz
  • Best short-haul air carrier: Ryanair
  • Best intl air carrier: Lufthansa
  • Monthly costs for expat: $1500
  • Monthly costs for family: $3300
  • Monthly costs for local: $950
  • Meal: $10
  • Small Cola: $1.6
  • Beer 1 Pint: $5
  • Coffee: $3.5

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