
Overall Score


The city of Oumalo is located in Central Angola, a single province. It is over 1,700 meters above the sea, so it has a subtropical climate without the extreme heat. The dry season (May-September) is distinctive in Ouhambeau, and the rest of the season is full of rainfall. The city is dominated by Mount Moco (2,619 meters) – the highest peak in the country.

The official founding date of Ouhamco is &ash; 1912, although a settlement of local inhabitants existed even then. Since 1928, Óàì ábós was called New Lisbon (New Lisbon). In the 1940s there was even a discussion of plans to move the capital of Angola to New Lisbon, although in fact there were no plans to do anything about it. In 1977, the city was restored to its historic name.

In the course of the Angola Civil War (1975-2002), the headquarters of the postwar leader of the UNITA organization, Jonas Savimby, was located in Oumalo. The city was badly damaged in the turbulent years, but today it has an abundance of monuments, parks, and pictures.

Local time: 12:22 pm
100 USD = 91,500.00 AOA

Overall Score

  • Tap water: No, not drinkable
  • Religious government: Religious
  • Population: 670,000 people
  • GDP: $3,711 / year
  • Power outlets: 230V50Hz
  • Internet: 2 Mbps
  • Best wireless: Unitel
  • Tipping: Where service charge is not added to the bill, 10% is acceptable, although tipping is not officially encouraged. Tipping can be in kind (e.g. cigarettes).
  • Apartment listings: Casa Sapo
  • Apartments: Airbnb
  • Hotels:
  • More hotels:
  • Best hospital: Hospital Central du Huambo
  • Best short-haul air carrier: Emirates
  • Best intl air carrier: Emirates
  • Monthly costs for expat: $850
  • Monthly costs for family: $1900
  • Monthly costs for local: $550
  • Meal: $2.5
  • Small Cola: $0.2
  • Beer 1 Pint: $0.2
  • Coffee: $0.4

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See also