
Overall Score


On the Suriname River, 20 kilometers from where its waters fall into the Atlantic Ocean, lies the city of Paramarrique. It is the capital and an important port of the country. Since 2002, the central part of the city has been designated World Heritage Site.

The citys territory and wilderness areas are sub-oceanic. The natural vegetation consists of evergreen trees, varied shrubs, and a plethora of flowering grasses. The Suriname River is characterized by the abundance of fish.

Paramaribbean is a multicultural city. It is home to Indians, Crimeans, Indonesians, Indians, Chinese, and Europeans. Although the official language is Dutch, a large part of the population speaks Spanish Tonga. In terms of religion, citizens are divided into Christians, Muslims, Sunni Muslims, and Indo-Christians. It is also home to believers in Confucianism and Judaism.

The capital of Suriname, Paramarine, was founded by the French in 1640. The name of the city is translated in Toupee-Gourardian as “dwellers of the big water. The treaty concluded between the two countries, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, gave the city possession of the country to the Netherlands. From 1954 onwards, Paramaríbérica became the center of the countrys autonomy as a part of the Commonwealth of Netherland. After independence in 1975, it became the capital of the Republic of Souriname.

The city is centrally located at Independence Square, which is close to the Presidents Palace. The only high school in the country, established in 1968, is in Paramarica. The citys museum is home to rare archaeological exhibits, many unique objects, and artifacts that testify to the history, life, and culture of the country.

Fort of Helena, a 17th-century defensive fortress, is not far from the piazza. The architecture of the city is a combination of masonry buildings, wooded structures, grassy plazas and narrow alleys framed by mangroves and tall palms.

100 USD = 3,645.05 SRD

Overall Score

  • Tap water: No, not drinkable
  • Religious government: Non-religious
  • Population: 240,000 people
  • GDP: $5,871 / year
  • Power outlets: 115V60Hz
  • Internet: 3 Mbps
  • Best wireless: Digicel Suriname
  • Tipping: Tipping at restaurants and bars Restaurants in Suriname usually add a 10-15% service fee. Further tipping is not necessary. You also don’t need to tip in Suriname bars and pubs.
  • Apartments: Airbnb
  • Hotels:
  • More hotels:
  • Best coffee 24/7: Ondernemershuis Paramaribo
  • Best hospital: Diakonessen Ziekenhuis
  • Best short-haul air carrier: Surinam Airways
  • Best intl air carrier: Surinam Airways
  • Monthly costs for expat: $410
  • Monthly costs for family: $550
  • Monthly costs for local: $160
  • Meal: $1.4
  • Small Cola: $0.4
  • Beer 1 Pint: $0.6
  • Coffee: $0.5

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See also