
Overall Score


Praga – the largest city and the capital of Czechia. With a population of just over a hundred thousand people, Prague is a major educational, economic and political center of the country.

Historical sources mention the first settlements of the Slavic tribes on the territory of the present-day Praga as early as the 4th century. The Praga – is a juxtaposition of several, previously independent from each other towns: Vyšehrady, Grädacany, Malá Strana, Nové Mesto and Stare Mesto. In the past, they even fought and sometimes warfare developed.

Prague, surprisingly, survived World War II almost unscathed, preserving many historic and architectural monuments. The main feature and symbol of the city is the Old Town structure. It attracts visitors to the city with its historic churches, built in 1410. There is a legend that the master craftsman and maker of this mechanical masterpiece at the University of Karlov was melted down after the work was completed so that he could not repeat it. In response, he rushed into the clock mechanism, and it stood there for a long time. The clock itself beautifully expresses the astronomical knowledge of the people of that time. Every hour from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., the clock shows a whole presentation. To the sound of the bells ringing out of the windows in front of the clock, the apostles come out in procession. In addition to the present time, the clock shows the many universal holidays, the days of equinoxes, the phases of the moon, and the position of the Sun in the zodiac. And from the Patrons Tower is a grand view of St. Nicholas Square.

Another iconic structure is the Charles Bridge. It was built to replace two wooden bridges that were demolished by the floods, and for years it was the only bridge between Old Town and the Little Country. Decorated with a variety of scenic structures, it is now a favorite place for walks by residents and visitors to the city. It was loved by street musicians, artists, and merchants.

The Portuguese Fork – one of the largest footholds in the world. It is currently the seat of the President of Czechoslovakia, and impresses with its great historic, artistic and architectural values. The main treasure of the city of Prague is the Cathedral of St. Vitus.

The Cathedral of St. Vitus – it is a Catholic cathedral in a catholic style. It began construction in 1344, but it wasnt finished until the early 20th century. The richness of the Cathedrals interior is striking in its decoration. It greets visitors with a fascinating panorama: In a central, nautical style, with a grid of curved wavelengths that almost invisibly transitions into a mid-century section of the aisle, illuminated by the soft light pouring in from the window vestibules. And a gallery runs the length of the cathedral, containing the busts of all those who played a memorable role in its construction: the kings and kings, the archaeologists and founders.

It is impossible to describe all the beauties of the Praga in a small article, because there are so many. It is worth seeing the Small City with its many gardens and palaces. And the middle age crust of Vyshegorodia. And the Golden Lane. And St. Stragovs Monastery. And many other things. For a long time Praga has been considered one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, and its central areas have been added to the list of UNESCOs World Cultural Heritage Sites. Besides, the Praga is full of theaters and museums. And if you havent seen it, you havent seen anything. Because the beauty of Pragues streets cant be beaten.

100 USD = 2,307.80 CZK

Overall Score

  • Air quality: 56 US AQI Moderate. Air quality is acceptable. However, there may be a risk for some people, particularly those who are unusually sensitive to air pollution.
  • Tap water: Yes, safe to drink
  • Religious government: Non-religious
  • Population: 1,300,000 people
  • GDP: $18,406 / year
  • Foreigners can own real estate: Yes
  • Power outlets: 230V50Hz
  • Internet: 36 Mbps
  • Best wireless: Vodafone
  • Pay without cash: Yes, cards OK almost everywhere
  • Tipping: Tipping in the Czech Republic is commonly expected. Foreign visitors are often expected to tip at least 10%. (N.B. This practice holds true mainly in Prague and leading tourist “meccas” such as Cesky Krumlov, not in the general countryside, where foreigners are not expected to do anything more than locals.)
  • Apartment listings: Sreality
  • Apartments: Airbnb
  • Hotels:
  • More hotels:
  • Best taxi: Liftago
  • Best coworking space: Impact Hub
  • Online electronics shop: Alza
  • Best short-haul air carrier: WizzAir
  • Best intl air carrier: Czech Airlines
  • Monthly costs for expat: $1600
  • Monthly costs for family: $3400
  • Monthly costs for local: $1000
  • Meal: $7
  • Small Cola: $1.7
  • Beer 1 Pint: $1.9
  • Coffee: $3

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See also