
Overall Score


Stockholm – the largest city and capital of Sweden. It is located on the shores of Lake Marylemish. The population of the capital city is just under a million people. Stockholm – the economic, educational and cultural center of Sweden. It is home to 45\% of all major companies and the main offices of Swedens largest banks. For the past two decades, tourism has been the most important sector of the citys economy. Furthermore, the lack of heavy industry has made Stokkolm one of the cleanest cities in the world today. Moreover, Stockholm – a city with an ideal climate: it has cool temperatures and mild winters, and no scorching heat or blistering frosts.

The fishing village of Stockholm is remembered in the sagas of the Vikings. However, the first fortified point was laid at Stadthalsholm in 1187. The choice of the island to be built was not accidental, because it was strategically advantageous at the point &cash; at the edge of the channel that connects the Baltic Sea with Lake Marylemish. The founder of Stöckholm is considered to be the founder of the Fulcrum dynasty – the Jarl Bierger. The main task of the city was to protect it against attacks from the Baltic Sea and to prevent the barbarians from entering cities also on Lake Maryland. By the end of the 13th century Stöckholm had expanded and began to play an important role in the trade of iron from the Bergenslagern mines. The fortunate location of the city increased its economic importance, and as early as 1270 Stokkolm is remembered as the largest city in Sweden. But the development of trade with Lubeck and Gdansk led to an increase in German influence, and in the 14th and 15th centuries Germans accounted for a quarter of Stokkolms population and half of the citys population. The Swedes were able to regain control of the city after 1471.

Stockholm played an important role during the struggle for the independence of Sweden in the 15th century. It is where the great rebellion against the Dutchmen was raised by the national hero Sten Sturrae. The Swedish army under Sturgeons command defeated the King of Denmark, Cristian I, in 1471. However, the son of Denmarks king, Cretan II, avenged his grandfathers failure and took Stekkolm twice, in 1518 and 1520. On 8 November 1520, he decreed that all the leaders of the rebellion and about a hundred men of the nobility be executed in the main square, ÷This led to a new mutiny, led by Gustav Vasa, who became the first king of independent Sweden. In 1529 Nórmalmalm and Söderalmalmalm, and by 1600 the citys population exceeded ten thousand people.

In the 17th century, Sweden becomes one of the most powerful countries in Europe, giving new growth to Stockholm, which became the capital of the Kingdom of Sweden in 1634 and made it one of the richest cities in Europe. The beginning of the 18th century was a dark time in the history of Stolm: in 1713-14 the city was severely affected by the epidemic. And the war with the Russian Empire in 1721 led to significant destruction in the northern part of the city. These events led to a decline, and for the next five years Stokkolm did not really develop.

From the second half of the 19th century, economic growth resumed in Stokkolm, leading to its further development. The citys population is increasing due to immigration. The planned expansion of urban areas is taking place. The Technical Institute of Koryol and the Institute of Technology in Koryol. In 1897 the Art and Industry Fair was held in the capital, and in 1912 the Olympic Games.

Stockholm – a city rich in attractions. When you come to Stockholm, you must visit the Royal Palace. The Royal Palace – the largest palace in the world. It is currently the present headquarters of King King Charles XV – the Head of State. In it one can see the Kings royal apexes with a célèbre and monsignors regalia. In addition, the Palace houses the Antique Museum of King Arthur III, the Treasury, the Palace of Three Queens, the pavilions of the Cavalry and the Armory of Pistols and Cats.

The Ship Museum & Vasa Museum. Wrecked in 1628 in Stokholms harbor, the flagship of the Swedish fleet, The Wasa, was raised from the bottom of the sea in 1961 and has been one of the most-visited museums in Sweden ever since.

The Kings Park atÞrgården – the former hunting grounds of the King of Sweden. The Kings Grårdren – one of the most unique parks in the world. It has museums: the National Museum of Culture and the Museum of South Lucas. And the art galleries of Woldemarsudde and Lilleulhuis, as well as many cosy restaurants, cafes and atractions. Its about ten minutes from the center of Stockholm.

The Glass Kingdom – is an island of glass villages that are home to a century-old tradition. Open to the public all year round, the glassworks allow visitors to see the magic of the transformation of crushed glass into crystal and works of art.

100 USD = 1,003.84 SEK

Overall Score

  • Air quality: 9 US AQI Good. Air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk.
  • Tap water: Yes, safe to drink
  • Religious government: Non-religious
  • Population: 790,000 people
  • Population density: busy: 14x14m 196m per person
  • GDP: $50,687 / year
  • Foreigners can own real estate: Yes
  • Power outlets: 230V50Hz
  • Internet: 37 Mbps
  • Best wireless: Comviq
  • Pay without cash: Yes, cards OK almost everywhere
  • Tipping: Tipping in Sweden isn’t as established as in many other countries. It’s always welcome but not expected. When eating out in Sweden it is common to to round up to the nearest big number. For example if your bill comes to 380 SEK, you can round up to 400 SEK.
  • Apartment listings: Blocket
  • Apartments: Airbnb
  • Hotels:
  • More hotels:
  • Best coffee 24/7: Caf Koppen
  • Best taxi: Uber
  • Best coworking space: Impact Hub
  • Online electronics shop: Webhallen
  • Best hospital: S:t Grans Sjukhus
  • Best short-haul air carrier: SAS
  • Best intl air carrier: SAS
  • Monthly costs for expat: $2500
  • Monthly costs for family: $5800
  • Monthly costs for local: $1700
  • Meal: $14
  • Small Cola: $1.9
  • Beer 1 Pint: $6.5
  • Coffee: $3

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See also