Vatican City

Overall Score


Vaticanus – ruled by the Holy Presbyterian Orthodox monarchy. The Pope of Rome – the Sovereign of the Holy Presbyterian Church, is the legislative, executive, and judicial authority. Daddy is elected by a jury for life.

Vatican – the worlds smallest state, is a magnificent architectural complex comprising palaces, churches and fortified fortifications with magnificent gardens and parks. Founded on the site of what was once the gardens of Emperor Nero, Vatican City has for centuries been the heart of the Roman Catholic Church and one of the worlds richest art collections. Since the Middle Ages, the papal secretariat, built by the best architects of their time, has been behind the great walls of the city of Montante-Léonin on the hill of Montante Vaticanino.

The large St. Peters Square, created by the architect Bernini, is the entrance to Vatican City. The great piazza of St. Peters, which is surrounded by colonies. The colonnade is made up of four rows of ancient columns, on top of which one hundred and forty statues of martyrs and saints have been placed.

In the center of the piazza rises a pall brought from Egypt by the Roman Emperor Caligoula, surrounded by two pictures by Maaderno and Fountain. A golden ball with an ornament with ceremonial rituals crowns the pall.

The columns lead to the largest cathedral in the world – St. Peters Cathedral. St. Peters Cathedral. The cathedral, built on the site where the ancient Basilica of Emperor Constantine once stood, has been repeatedly reconstructed. Geniuses such as Bramante, Bramante, Michaelangelo led the revisions. Today this colossal structure is the center of Catholicism. It contains an enormous baldachin of papal altarpiece and many masterpieces of pictorial art and Christian relics. And under the altar, there is an archaeological site where the remains of a prehistoric cemetery were found, according to legend, the site of the burial of St. Peter. Peter. Beyond the cathedral are the «Sacred Grottoes;– the burial place of most of the Popes.

North of St. Peters Cathedral is the site of the burial of the Holy Fathers. The Cathedral of St. Peter is to the north of St. Peters Cathedral &quo;s; a famous chapel in the 15th century by architect Giovanni de dellUniversi, made widely known by the Francesco &quo; and the famous chapel in the 15th century by the architect Giovanni de dellUniversi, which has been made famous by the Francesco &quo; The Terrible Court; and The Scenes of Creation by Michelicangelo, as well as in the works of Batiecchioli, Perugino, Giraldaio, Signorelli and Rossellini.

In the northern part of the city was the grand ensemble of the 16th-century Popes or Patricianas Palace. It consists of dozens of palace structures, with a large number of enfields and halls, museums, chapels and a papal library.

The Castle of SantAgnègello, the 17th-century Renaissance Tower, the Capitals of Nicolina and Paolo, the Popes Official Réseau &ndash are all of particular interest in Vatican; The Palace of Sixtus V, the palaces of San Casa Damaso and Bellevue with frescoes by Faustel, the 16th-century palace complexes of the Renaissance Hall, the Casino of Pius IV, the Burgesses apothecaries decorated with frescoes by Faustel, a library with a unique collection of ancient coins and bibliographic curiosities, and a palace accessible only during the Papal audience.

In the sites of Rome, the possessions of the Cathedrals of San Paulo, San Giovanni Inferano and Sancta Maria Madjerere, as well as some villas and palaces.

In addition, the Popes architectural monument at Castel delle Golfo, not far from Rome, is also considered an architectural masterpiece.

100 USD = 92.63 EUR

Overall Score

  • Air quality: 44 US AQI Good. Air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk.
  • Tap water: Yes, safe to drink
  • Religious government: Religious
  • Population: 1,000 people
  • Internet: 7 Mbps
  • Best wireless: TIM
  • Apartments: Airbnb
  • Hotels:
  • More hotels:
  • Best coffee 24/7: Coaster
  • Best hospital: IRCCS
  • Best intl air carrier: Vueling
  • Monthly costs for expat: $3100
  • Monthly costs for family: $6200
  • Monthly costs for local: $1800
  • Meal: $31
  • Small Cola: $2.5
  • Beer 1 Pint: $6
  • Coffee: $2.5

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See also