Overall Score
On the southeastern and eastern coast of Cyprus lies the city of Larnaca. In ancient times it was the seat of the city-state of Cithyron, which is rightfully considered a contemporary village. In 333 A.D., the city of Kithynon was conquered by Alexander Macedonian. The village was part of his estate. The city came under the power of the Greek governors of Antioch in 312 AD. In the aftermath, it was ruled by the Italians and Byzantines.
Kititheon went through many tragic events between the 7th and 10th centuries. During this period it suffered a number of tragedies, and then it was razed by the Arabs. During the time of Cyprus rule and the French conquest, the name of Quito was Aliqués, which in translation means Salt Lakes, which means Salt Lakes. The Turks fell under their rule in 1570. The origin of the present name of the city is believed to be due to the large number of ancient sarcophagi found on its territory, which are called in English as “Ëarrâneköös; and it is believed that the citys name was derived from a large number of ancient sarcophagi.
In the territory of the present city, the old structures and modern buildings are successfully complementing each other without violating the architectural image. The ancient port of Kittitina was for a long time an anchor point for the Finns and a burgeoning trading port. Saint Lazarus, who was the first Episcopalian of Cyprus, considered the city his second homeland. Larnaqua is notable for its unique monuments. According to an ancient tradition, the Banayan temple was built by the angels.
The Hala Sultan Taekkeh Mosque is one of the most important shrines in the Muslim world. The religious structure was built at the site of the fall of the meteorite.
The ancient mosaic is noteworthy for its importance as the Basilica of the Nazarene, the church of Piana Anguillochectica. The artifacts found in the Archaeological Museum of Chiracchia and Citititheon are now in the citys Archaeological Museum. The halls of the villa, which dates back to the 19th century, house works of art from the Demetrios Pierreis collection. The old building belonged to members of his family.
A popular destination for townspeople and tourists is the seafront at Finincourt, where there are a variety of cozy cafes, bars and taverns. Some of the most famous beaches on Lake Barnacle are Macanasy and Palm Beach, where a variety of water sports, including windsurfing and diving, are popular.
Overall Score
- Air quality: 62 US AQI Moderate. Air quality is acceptable. However, there may be a risk for some people, particularly those who are unusually sensitive to air pollution.
- Tap water: No, not drinkable
- Population: 51,000 people
- GDP: $23,631 / year
- Foreigners can own real estate: Yes
- Power outlets: 230V50Hz
- Internet: 12 Mbps
- Best wireless: CYTA
- Pay without cash: Yes, cards OK almost everywhere
- Tipping: A good rule of thumb is to round up to the nearest euro or give up to 5 percent of the final fare for exceptional service. Tour Guide: Tip your guide at least 10 percent of the total bill, and the driver at least 5 percent.
- Apartment listings: X-E
- Apartments: Airbnb
- Hotels: Booking.com
- More hotels: Hotels.com
- Best taxi: nTaxi
- Best hospital: St Raphael Private Hospital
- Best intl air carrier: Aegean Airlines
- Monthly costs for expat: $2200
- Monthly costs for family: $4500
- Monthly costs for local: $1300
- Meal: $17
- Small Cola: $3
- Beer 1 Pint: $8.5
- Coffee: $5.5
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