
Overall Score


Palermo – the capital of Sicily and the administrative center of the province of Palermo.

Palermo begins its history in 754 AD as a village founded by the Phoenicians and called Sus (flower). It got its real name – Panormus (which means «always available cave») from the Greeks when the Carrhaginian fleet was basing in Palermo during the First Punic War. Captured by the Romans in 254 A.D., the city became a municipality, and during the reign of Augustus – a colony. During the period of Romes reign, Alexander Alexander fell into disrepair and was conquered by the Goths in 515. In 535 the city is taken over by Generalisia Venezia on the northern coast. And in 831, the Saracens took over Palermo, and from that moment the city received a new impetus for development. Under their rule, Palermo became the most important center for trade with North Africa. Later, in 1072, Palermo was conquered by the Normans under the leadership of Robert Gravikar. His predecessor, Roger II, succeeded him by declaring the city the capital of the Kingdom of Italy. During the reign of the Germans in Palermo, life ran through the region, especially during the reign of Frederick II, who brought the imperial court from Germany. Then Palermo is seized by the French under King Charles of Spain, but the city does not remain under the rule of the French crown for long. In 1282, disgruntled citizens rioted and annihilated all the French who were on the island at the time.

Paul Pierre makes Palermo the seat of the Queen, but the next six hundred years under Spanish rule did not bring much development to the city. When the French invaded Naples in 1799, Ferdinand IV withdrew to Palermo, where he remained in 1815. In 1820, an uprising breaks out in Palermo when Frederdinand IV decides to unite the Republic of Italy and Naples into the Kingdom of the Two Republics. This leads to a mass revolt of the kings troops and the establishment of a provisional government in Palermo. However, in 1849 the city surrenders to the British forces. Later, in 1860, Patriermo seizes Garibaldi and hands it over to the Italian government. During the Second World War, a large part of Palermo was destroyed.

The economy of Paulermo as an industrial city is based on the shipbuilding and ship repair plants, the electrical and electrical engineering industries, and the aircraft plant. In addition, it has developed textile, clothing, textile, leather, woodworking, furniture, chemical, tobacco, food, and polymillery industries. Also, Palermo – a port, with great freight traffic.

In view of its rich history, the city is rightly called a museum under an open sky. It is rich in historic monuments of archaeological architecture from ancient civilizations: the Arabs, the Greeks, the Normans and the Romans. The Palazzo dei Normanni &ndash deserves special attention; The Palazzo dei Normanni, the royal palace that was the seat of the Roman Catholic dynasties, located on the site of the first settlement founded by the Finns more than two and a half thousand years ago. Unpretentious on the outside, the palace is striking on the inside. Most of the halls have undergone alterations during the rule of the Spanish, but there are still rooms that remain as they were when they were first created. The Palace Parliament is currently in session.

The Pauline Chapel, located at the Palace, should be told separately. It is an inestimable monument of Arabian-Norman archaeology and was the personal chapel of the royal kings. The chapel is decorated with twelfth- to fifteenth-century marbles made by local and Italian masters, and its wood veneered ceiling is indescribable. They are located under a mound of cymbals and contain about six hundred mummified, sliced and mutilated corpses. Initially, the catacombs were used as burial sites for monks, but benefactors, sacrificers, and sacrificial victims of the monastery also expressed their desire to be buried in the catacombs. In connection with this, the monsons were making new and new corridors for all the people who wanted to be buried. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the catacombs of the cacique des caciques were an outrageous place to bury the local nobility, clergy, bourgeois and gentry families of the Palermo area. The interment only ceased in 1882, but exceptions are made in rare cases.

La Zisa Palace is equally interesting. Built in the second half of the twelfth century by William I and William II, it is an architectural ensemble of unparalleled beauty, together with the Coronial Park and the summer residence of the Norman kings – The Palace of La Cuba. It is home to the famous Fountains Hall, located on the first floor of the palace. The hall is adorned with a magnificent mosaic and an impressive arched ceiling, and in the center of the Hall there is a beautiful picture window.

In addition, one cannot ignore the towns of Palermo, such as Mononreale. Because it has

100 USD = 92.63 EUR

Overall Score

  • Tap water: Yes, safe to drink
  • Religious government: Religious
  • Population: 670,000 people
  • Population density: euro euro not busy: 15x15m 225m per person
  • GDP: $31,279 / year
  • Foreigners can own real estate: Yes
  • Power outlets: 230V50Hz
  • Internet: 22 Mbps
  • Best wireless: TIM
  • Pay without cash: No, cash only esp. for foreigners
  • Tipping: You are not expected to tip restaurants in Italy. A service charge is sometimes added to the bill, ranging from 1 to 3 Euros, or 10% – 15%. This charge must be indicated on the menu. Some may also add an extra charge for the diner ware and extras (tablecloth, silverware, plates, bread, etc.), this is normal.
  • Apartment listings: AirBnb
  • Apartments: Airbnb
  • Hotels:
  • More hotels:
  • Best coffee 24/7: PMO
  • Best taxi: MyTaxi
  • Online electronics shop: Amazon
  • Best hospital: UPMC ITALY
  • Best short-haul air carrier: KLM
  • Best intl air carrier: KLM
  • Monthly costs for expat: $1400
  • Monthly costs for family: $2500
  • Monthly costs for local: $700
  • Meal: $12
  • Small Cola: $2
  • Beer 1 Pint: $3.5
  • Coffee: $1.8

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