
Overall Score


The city of Lubaumbacha, the metropolitan center of the Upper Katanga Province, lies on the land of the Democratic Republic of Korea. It is home to the famous copper mining and smelting center. From 1971 to 1997 the province was called Chaba. Then it got its present name. Since 1911, the city has had a successful medical plant, the largest in the country today.

Loumobachy is among the famous cultural and industrial centers of the country. The area is home to a number of industrial enterprises in the metals industry and mining industry. The industries developed include textiles, food, chemicals, construction, and metal processing. They produce radioelectronic equipment.

Multi-multi-multi highways and a Trans-Caucasian highway pass through the area between Loboi-Beira. There is an international airport. The citys streets are mostly European buildings. There is a branch of the National University of Zaire. The Center for the Study of African Languages and Ethnicity is active. The city is embellished by a church with a towering minaret, a sénagogue, the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, and a theater with a paved copper pannon in the front elevation.

In the old days, the Belgian colonizers were attracted to the huge stocks of copper in the area. Here they were actively engaged in the exploitation of the mineral deposit, and in the early 20th century they built the railroad. The line went through the city in 1910. At the same time, the colonial administration gave the citys status as a provincial city on the banks of the Lubomata River.

First, the citys capital was named Elisabethville. The city was named after Elizabeth of Bavaria, companion of King Albert I. The queen visited her home in 1909 before her husband ascended to the throne. After World War II, Elizabeth was honored with the title of Revolutionary President of the World. The city got its present name in 1966 from the name of the river flowing nearby, which in turn came from the word Bumba. In the local language, bamba is translated as lina.

In the local language, bamba comes from the word bamba.

100 USD = 287,296.55 CDF

Overall Score

  • Tap water: No, not drinkable
  • Religious government: Religious
  • Population: 1,800,000 people
  • GDP: $512 / year
  • Power outlets: 230V50Hz
  • Internet: 3 Mbps
  • Best wireless: Vodacom
  • Tipping: In DR Congo, it is customary and often expected that you give a tip to the local staff such as guides, rangers, and drivers. A common tip of US$ 10 – 15 per person per day can be expected for your tourleader who goes with you the entire tour.
  • Apartment listings: AirBnb
  • Apartments: Airbnb
  • Hotels:
  • More hotels:
  • Best short-haul air carrier: Congo Airways
  • Best intl air carrier: Air France
  • Monthly costs for expat: $850
  • Monthly costs for family: $1200
  • Monthly costs for local: $340
  • Meal: $0
  • Small Cola: $0
  • Beer 1 Pint: $0
  • Coffee: $0

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