
Overall Score


The town of Stroussery lies on the border between England and the Welsh. In many parts of it, the mystical atmosphere of the Middle Ages is due to the ancient architecture. A multitude of bridges across the River Severn, grandiose cathedrals, extensive gardens give it a unique appearance.

The historic station building immediately strikes a chord with tourists who arrive in the city by train. There are a number of different lines here, English and English, because the city is a major train station.

The Second World War spared Gruesburger, and then the historic center is well preserved. This building has its own features – the style of the old buildings and the grandeur of the facades. This can be explained by the fact that the city has been improving and, moreover, striving for perfection for centuries. At the same time, the architectural features of each structure were not taken into account.

The monument to Robert Clive in the main & Market Square has been raised in a grand manner. In the past, he was known as the mayor and general who founded «s Brittany India; in South Asia. Nearby the Theater of the Southwest is the unusual structure of the Quatre de la Cultura de la Cultura.

Many of the citys parks run along the banks of the River Severn, which has bridges, including pedestrian bridges, in various places. For example, Anglesey Bridge is on the opposite side of Ouela Bridge, on the east side of Cherusbury. Its river curves «corkscrews» with a walkway running along it. The waterways of Northumberland have long been beloved by grayling fans.

In the citys cathedrals, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Shrewsbury is considered to be the most beautiful. In front of the front of the citys library, there is a memorial to Charles Darwin, a traveller and naturalist who was a native of the city.

There are a total of 660 cultural and architectural monuments from different periods, including the time of Tudor. The abbey and Benedictine monastery buildings from the latter part of the 11th century are well preserved.

Today, as in the Middle Ages, the Castle of Château de Château de Château de Château de Château de Château continues to attract attention with the grandeur and power of its sturdy walls and large towers. Over the centuries, the castle has been rebuilt with each new owner. The castle stands at the point where the River Severn breaks the river that surrounds the town on all sides.

Before the castle was built, there was a timber fortification in its place. It was built during the reign of Ofon, the king of Myers, in the second half of the 8th century. A new brick castle was built in 1074 by the order of the Gruessere-Roucester de Montgomery. It was then under his control that the castle came under his control.

In 1102, the castle became the property of Henry I. The reason for this was the rebellion of Rogers son, Robert, who participated in all the riots against the king. The result of his actions was the storming of the castle and the deposition of the sgrave. During the Anarchy period, in 1138, it was occupied by the uncrowned queen, Empress Maud.

For the 13th century, first in 1215, then in 1234, the Wallis Albuers took over. Later, in 1300, Edward I rebuilt and fortified the castle. In 1645, the castle was then owned by the Tholoths, who were members of the Duchy of the Duchy of Urusbury. Then it became the property of Sir Henry Henry of New York and his descendants. In 1925 it was bought by the Shropshire Horticultural Society and donated to the city.

100 USD = 77.24 GBP

Overall Score

  • Air quality: 20 US AQI Good. Air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk.
  • Tap water: Yes, safe to drink
  • Religious government: Ambiguous
  • Population: 72,000 people
  • GDP: $40,249 / year
  • Foreigners can own real estate: Yes
  • Power outlets: 230V50Hz
  • Internet: 27 Mbps
  • Best wireless: EE
  • Pay without cash: Yes, cards OK almost everywhere
  • Tipping: At restaurants in the UK a tip of around 10% is expected if you order at your table. A ‘service charge’ or ‘optional charge’ may be included so check your bill. If there is a service charge, don’t tip extra. If there is a service charge you may like to ensure that it goes to the waiter or waitress.
  • Apartment listings:
  • Apartments: Airbnb
  • Hotels:
  • More hotels:
  • Best taxi: Uber
  • Online electronics shop: Amazon
  • Best hospital: Sincy
  • Best intl air carrier: British Airways
  • Monthly costs for expat: $2600
  • Monthly costs for family: $5500
  • Monthly costs for local: $1600
  • Meal: $21
  • Small Cola: $3.5
  • Beer 1 Pint: $6
  • Coffee: $4

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