
Overall Score


Now Northern Englands most important city, New York is proud of its status as a tourist center, visited by some 3 million tourists each year.

Human artifacts in York and the surrounding area date back to the Middle Ages. The celestones that were found here were claimed by the Romans (1st century), who in 71 where the Ouse fell into the Fox, laid a wooden fortress called Eribokum, later reconstructed in stone. The number of people was 6,000, which was a sign of the importance of Eborkum. This is evidenced by the fact that Constantine I the Great was crowned there and that Septimius Severus – the Roman emperors died there.

In the 7th century, Érek was the most important city of Northumbria. By the 10th century, it was a part of the united Anglo-Saxon kingdom, plagued by the Vikings. Later the citys name was established. The name of Euphorovík (the land of the wild boar) was changed by the Vikings to Yorvík, and in the 13th century it became Yorvík.

The Norman invasion of Yorrak was greeted with hostility by the Yorraks, but still William the Warlord was able to encourage the rebellion. Since the 12th century, George – the northern gate of England. Above all, the city prospered because of its location on the trade routes and its membership in the Alliance of Asia. In the 13th century, the Dutch soldiers under William Welsh conquered the city, but through the 17th century Bourgeois Revolution, York continued to prosper and remained the second most important city in the kingdom. It is the origin of the royal dynasty of Yorca, which is known as the Aloy and White Rose dynasty.

York is not part of the industrial giants of Great Britain, so its a quiet, green city whose residents are primarily engaged in the service industry. There are roughly 50 festivals, with a street music festival and a food festival among them.

Many architectural treasures have been preserved. The Gothic Cathedral of St. George (1220-1472) – one of the largest cathedrals in Northern Europe. Yerok is rich in museums (Castle, Railway, Romanesque and others), surrounded by 14th-century solid walls. In some places, remnants of Roman structures have survived. The Middle Ages quarters of Chambales, the St. Marys abbey (13th century), the castle, the Lord Mayors palace are fascinating.

Local time: 11:11 pm
100 USD = 77.65 GBP

Overall Score

  • Air quality: 31 US AQI Good. Air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk.
  • Tap water: Yes, safe to drink
  • Religious government: Non-religious
  • Population: 200,000 people
  • GDP: $40,249 / year
  • Foreigners can own real estate: Yes
  • Power outlets: 230V50Hz
  • Internet: 27 Mbps
  • Best wireless: EE
  • Pay without cash: Yes, cards OK almost everywhere
  • Tipping: At restaurants in the UK a tip of around 10% is expected if you order at your table. A ‘service charge’ or ‘optional charge’ may be included so check your bill. If there is a service charge, don’t tip extra. If there is a service charge you may like to ensure that it goes to the waiter or waitress.
  • Apartment listings: Zoopla
  • Apartments: Airbnb
  • Hotels: Booking.com
  • More hotels: Hotels.com
  • Best taxi: Uber
  • Online electronics shop: Amazon
  • Best short-haul air carrier: EasyJet
  • Best intl air carrier: British Airways
  • Monthly costs for expat: $2500
  • Monthly costs for family: $5800
  • Monthly costs for local: $1700
  • Meal: $18
  • Small Cola: $2
  • Beer 1 Pint: $5
  • Coffee: $3.5

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