
Overall Score


In the valley of the River Les Les, in the south of France, lies the city of Montpellier, the capital of the region of Langueguelle-Roussillon and the administrative center of the Department of the Eros. It is located 10 kilometers from the Middle Sea coast. The ancient city has been known since its early days as a marketplace for merchandise. Beginning in the 10th century, it was actively traded with a variety of popular goods of that time. Nearby Magallon, on the Mediterranean coast, was continually attacked by seaborne pirates. It was founded by the Earl of Toulouse, who soon made Montonville a city and granted it corresponding privileges. Its territory was inhabited by citizens of different nationalities. In 1220 the university was founded there, and in 1289 it was legitimized by the papal bull.

In the first quarter of the 13th century, María, daughter of the governor of Mononnelle, married Pedro II, the King of Aragon. As a consequence, their descendants ruled the city until 1349. Then it was sold to the French kings and soon became the largest commercial center of the French kingdom. The Episcopal Cathedra, located in Magallon, was moved to Mount St. John in 1536.

In the reign of Louis 14, a royal fortress was established in the city. It was founded by Cardinal Richelieu Richelieu. During the same period, the city was the capital of the Lower Languedoc Province. Its streets were transformed. An aqueduct was built and new streets and alleys were laid out.

The Poirot Aquarium, where the water tower rises, is considered a favorite place for citizens to relax. The structure was built in 1768. The remaining parts of the ancient ancient fortifications are the towers, which are miraculously preserved to this day. The ancient cathedral, built in the 14th century, was rebuilt and later abandoned.

The Botanical Gardens, founded in 1593, is one of the oldest in France. It is home to unique species of flora from many different countries and continents. The Musée du Faubourg has a rich collection of French artists. The annual wine fair held in the city has become a regular event.

100 USD = 92.32 EUR

Overall Score

  • Air quality: 51 US AQI Moderate. Air quality is acceptable. However, there may be a risk for some people, particularly those who are unusually sensitive to air pollution.
  • Tap water: Yes, safe to drink
  • Religious government: Non-religious
  • Population: 260,000 people
  • Population density: euro euro not busy: 14x14m 196m per person
  • GDP: $36,826 / year
  • Foreigners can own real estate: Yes
  • Power outlets: 230V50Hz
  • Internet: 28 Mbps
  • Best wireless: Orange
  • Pay without cash: Yes, cards OK almost everywhere
  • Tipping: You can leave around 5-10 percent if you are very happy with your meal. This will be more than appreciated. Essentially tipping in France is more of a gesture, and less of an obligation. So, if you receive exemplary service then it is nice to leave a larger tip to demonstrate your appreciation.
  • Apartment listings: AirBnb
  • Apartments: Airbnb
  • Hotels:
  • More hotels:
  • Best taxi: Uber
  • Online electronics shop: Amazon
  • Best short-haul air carrier: RyanAir
  • Best intl air carrier: Air France
  • Monthly costs for expat: $1800
  • Monthly costs for family: $4000
  • Monthly costs for local: $1150
  • Meal: $12
  • Small Cola: $3
  • Beer 1 Pint: $6
  • Coffee: $3

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