
Overall Score


Paris is the capital of France and is the most populous city in the country and in Europe. The city is located in the northern part of France, on the River Seine. Paris also includes two islands (Saint-Louis and Cité), the oldest part of the city. Pariss Landhaufte is a hilly area. The largest of the hills is called Monmonmartre, which is 130 meters above sea level. The territory of Paris-87 square kilometers. Paris is divided into 14 quarters.

The Cité site is the oldest part of Paris. Today it is home to Hôtre Dame, but for several decades the Celtic tribe, who called themselves the Parisians, lived there. After the departure of the Romans from present-day France, the French king Calvin the First created a city that stretched along both sides of the river and gave it the name Paris. Soon the city was destroyed by the Normans.

1210 – A wall was built around Paris, including about 500 towers, and about 100,000 people lived behind the wall. When Napoleon came to power, Paris became the capital of Europe.

Paris became a city of artists after the French-Prussian war in 1871. Almost every year there are large exhibitions.

The number of high-rise buildings has been growing since 1937. The business part of the city is now called France, and the neighbourhood of Tour-de-Monopoly is populated by more than 30,000 inhabitants of Paris.

Its probably needless to say that Paris is full of all sorts of attractions. Apart from the world-famous Tower of Eiffel, the Louvre, the Champs Élysées and the Cathedral of Our Lady of Paris, Paris has a number of little-known but attractive places. One of them is the National Center for Science and Industry, a pioneering architectural structure that hosts trade fairs and exhibitions. Paris was in practice unscathed in the two World Wars, so it preserved all the architectural artistry of Napoleons time.

The historicity of Paris, which has marked every street and every street, has been carefully preserved, and it is not lost in the latest architectural designs and solutions. Paris – its a city of love and art. Many wonderful experiences await those who choose to walk the streets of Paris and get to know its inhabitants and their customs and traditions. The main points of interest in Paris are located at considerable distances from each other. ×To see the Arc de Triomphe and the Place de la Bastille in one day, you have to travel seven kilometers. And from the Church of the Sacre-Coeur on Monmonmartre, its 5 km.

While Paris has a large population, its easy to lose yourself in the city, just to stay close to the banks of the Seine. Historically, the city has been divided into right- and left bank Paris. The sprawling subway network allows you to get anywhere in the city quickly. The Eiffel Tower was created in 1889 by Sir Eiffel as an icon of the Worlds Fair. The Eiffel Tower has three levels: the lowest is 57 meters high, the highest 115 meters, and the top 274 meters. If you climb to the very top, you can gaze out over a 70-kilometer view of the beautiful panorama. Right below the Eiffel Tower is the Marais Field. It used to be a military pavilion, which was later transformed into a beautiful park. There is also a famous collection of the worlds masterpieces of art, numbering some 400 specimens, including works by Léonardo da Vinci.

The Cathedral of Our Lady of Paris is located at Notre Dame de Paris in the oldest quarter of Paris. It was begun in 1160 under the direction of Marius de Sales, priest of Paris. The cathedral was completed two centuries later, in 1345. The towers of the cathedral are almost seven hundredths of a meter high. And the height of the shofar is 90 meters. The bell weighs 15 tons and rings only on major holidays. The walls of the cathedral are practically completely transparent. The silence inside the cathedral is very disturbing compared to the noise of the cars outside. In front of the cathedral is Piazza Patrizia Square, where the reference point for all roads in the world, the zero kilometer, is located.

Elysian Fields is a large street with the Triumphal Arena, which is world-famous. Regardless of whether its a war parade or a Christmas celebration, the street is always filled with a sympathetic crowd, eager for entertainment. The idea for the creation of such a lively street belonged to Maria Maddia, who at one time decided to extend the alley that ran along the Seine and led to the Elm Square. In the beginning, the Avenue of the Elsewhere Fields was called Cœur de la Reine.

The Elsewhere Fields are bordered by the Triumphal Arc at the top of the hill of Cheio. On this hill lies the Square of the Star of Charles de Gaulle. From here, the citys largest roads lead to different directions.

Triumphal Arc was

100 USD = 92.63 EUR

Overall Score

  • Air quality: 57 US AQI Moderate. Air quality is acceptable. However, there may be a risk for some people, particularly those who are unusually sensitive to air pollution.
  • Tap water: Yes, safe to drink
  • Religious government: Non-religious
  • Population: 2,100,000 people
  • Population density: crowded: 7x7m 49m per person
  • GDP: $36,826 / year
  • Foreigners can own real estate: Yes
  • Power outlets: 230V50Hz
  • Internet: 32 Mbps
  • Best wireless: Free
  • Pay without cash: Yes, cards OK almost everywhere
  • Tipping: You can leave around 5-10 percent if you are very happy with your meal. This will be more than appreciated. Essentially tipping in France is more of a gesture, and less of an obligation. So, if you receive exemplary service then it is nice to leave a larger tip to demonstrate your appreciation.
  • Apartment listings:
  • Apartments: Airbnb
  • Hotels:
  • More hotels:
  • Best taxi: Uber
  • Best coworking space: Numa
  • Online electronics shop: Amazon
  • Best short-haul air carrier: EasyJet
  • Best intl air carrier: Air France
  • Monthly costs for expat: $2500
  • Monthly costs for family: $5100
  • Monthly costs for local: $1450
  • Meal: $16
  • Small Cola: $3
  • Beer 1 Pint: $7.5
  • Coffee: $2.5

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