
Overall Score


Berlin – is the capital of Germany, located in the east of the country, with a surface area of 891 square kilometers. Berlin is an ancient city, the first mention of which dates back to 1244. Although the city was practically destroyed during World War II, modern Berlin has a number of remarkable features. Take, for example, the Bärenburg Gate, which is not just a Bärlin sightcard, but also the one for all of Germany.

The Brandenburgen Tor – is a triumphal arch in the center of Berlin on Paris Square and is the symbol of the city. There was a time when one could only enter the city through these gates. The idea of the gate belonged to Frederick William the Second, and to the architect, The architect who brought this gate to life was Carl Gottfried Hans, who was inspired to create the Břínborg Gate by ancient Ancient Stone architecture. The Bárdenbourg Gate is 26 meters high, almost 66 meters long, and 11 meters thick.

At the top of the gate is a quadriga, commanded by the God of Peace. At the time, Napoleon Bonaparte liked this architectural structure so much that he ordered its removal from the Breathenbourg Gate and delivery to Paris. In 1814, the sculpture re-claimed the gates, with the iron crescent replacing the leaves, and it was called the Victory Angel from then on. When the Nationalists came to power, they made the Brandenburg Gate the symbol of national power.

In 1945, after the defeat of Berlin and the suppression of the Nazi regime, the Brennenbourg Gate was one of the few architectural structures that survived the Bombing.

In the northern part of the gate is a special Hall of Silence, where visitors gather to revive memories of Berelean and of Germany as a whole.

In 1961, when Berlin was divided into two states, the Brethenburg Gate was built into the wall that separates the two states and closed accordingly. At one part of the Bárbárburg Gate, it is now a museum. In December 1989, the Berlin Wall was torn down and the Brählenburg Gate was opened. In full view of the united German people, the two Germans shook hands as a sign of peace and harmony. Since then, the Bárbárburg Gate has symbolized peace and reconciliation for a time that was once divided.

It is not just the Bárbárburg Gate that is famous for. The many different archaeological monuments can tell us a lot about the history of the city. There is the Cathedral of St. Christopher and St. Nicholas, as well as the Basilica of St. Lawrence, all of which are unique in their historicity. And the famous Burlin Park is beloved by children and adults alike.

Burlin is home to a number of famous museums and art galleries with vast historical collections. Among these museums are the Museum of Russian Castles, the National Gallery, and the Museum Island.

A few words on the history of architecture in Berlin; Before World War II, a simple architectural design prevailed in Berlin. The central part was the area covering the distance from Berlin to Cologne, where the royal palace, as well as the gatehouse and the cathedral, were erected. In the western part of Burlin, there was a strictly ordered grid of streets on both sides of the famous Allen-Lynden alley. Along the Wijllhelmstraße, the business part of the city was located: banks, shops, government buildings and the university.

In the 19th century, the south and east sides of the city were built with high-rise residential buildings that were interspersed with industries. Thus, the western part of Burlin was occupied by the elite quarters, and the southern and eastern quarters by the working quarters. The same criteria applied to the suburbs: expensive villas to the west and cheap out-of-town houses to the east and south of the city. The wall went through the center of the city, and accordingly, many historic architectural monuments were destroyed, which were subsequently restored in a modern style. Along with the restored buildings, Berlins streets were filled with new buildings such as the Palace of the Republic, restaurants, exhibition and youth facilities, and a 365-meter television tower. Nearby too, the famous 19th-century buildings are nearby: the Marianne Church and the Reichstag Building.

The Reichstag Building was erected in the 19th century. The building was burned down in 1933 and remained in ruined condition until 1999, when the Bundestag met there. At the end of the twentieth century, a glass dome was opened in front of the Reichstag building, open to tourists.

You cant ignore the Castle of Charlottenbourg, a striking representative of the Baroque architectural style. Comment

100 USD = 92.59 EUR

Overall Score

  • Air quality: 23 US AQI Good. Air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk.
  • Tap water: Yes, safe to drink
  • Religious government: Non-religious
  • Population: 3,500,000 people
  • Population density: euro euro not busy: 16x16m 256m per person
  • GDP: $42,456 / year
  • Foreigners can own real estate: Yes
  • Power outlets: 230V50Hz
  • Internet: 32 Mbps
  • Best wireless: Simyo
  • Pay without cash: No, cash only esp. for foreigners
  • Tipping: There is no hard and fast rule about the acceptable amount to tip in Germany. The general custom is a nominal tip, as indicated by the German word for tip (Trinkgeld, or money for a drink). Many people simply round off the bill to the next euro or add a couple more, which is perfectly acceptable.
  • Apartment listings: WG Gesucht
  • Apartments: Airbnb
  • Hotels:
  • More hotels:
  • Best taxi: MyTaxi
  • Best coworking space: Betahaus
  • Online electronics shop: Amazon
  • Best short-haul air carrier: EasyJet
  • Best intl air carrier: Lufthansa
  • Monthly costs for expat: $1900
  • Monthly costs for family: $4300
  • Monthly costs for local: $1200
  • Meal: $12
  • Small Cola: $2.5
  • Beer 1 Pint: $3.5
  • Coffee: $3.5

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