
Overall Score


The city of Sourabay, the capital of eastern Java, lies on the banks of the Madura River in Indonesia. It is home to one of the countrys major ports. The city is a major industrial and economic center of the country. The economy of Surabay is based on the activities of large companies that specialize in the chemical, petroleum refining, textile and mechanical engineering industries. The banking sector is growing rapidly. The service sector plays an important role. For several years, from 1989 to 2007, Surabaya was the site of a fund bureau.

The present city has a rich history. It was founded in May of 1293, after the victory of Ivan David, ruler of Madajapahui, over the invading kingdom of Java by the Mongolian emperor Huubalai. In the 13th and 14th centuries, Surabyaya was an important port of the Madhadjahirate. It was the center of the spread of Islam in Java. After the dissolution of the state, the city became an independent sultanate. In 1530, its territory was taken over by the neighboring Sultanate of Demok. Only at the end of the 14th century did the Syrabyaya regain its freedom. But as early as 1625, its territory was taken over by the state of Mattharam.

In the 17th and 18th centuries, the New Zealand Indian Company operated in the city. In November 1743 it formalized its control of the city. Throughout its history, the city has prospered. Its port occupied important positions in the economy. In the early 20th century, the city founded a naval base. In 1917, parts of the military garrison rose up against the colonial powers.

In 1942, the territory of Sourrabaya was occupied by the Japanese. The national liberation movement began to rise in 1944. By the end of December 1945, before the British Army withdrew, Sourabay was under the control of the militia, who had declared the rule of the new Republic of Inlandia. In 1949, Surabeya became part of an independent country.

The citys points of interest and attractions include the Tanturapir Museum with its fascinating exhibits, and the Memorial to Heroes, A zoo with many species of flora, the historic port of Calimas, the Cheung Ho and Ampel Chapels, and the Kieu Kia Kia Market.

100 USD = 1,625,189.62 IDR

Overall Score

  • Tap water: No, not drinkable
  • Religious government: Ambiguous
  • Population: 2,800,000 people
  • Population density: busy: 12x12m 144m per person
  • GDP: $3,570 / year
  • Power outlets: 230V50Hz
  • Internet: 9 Mbps
  • Best wireless: XL
  • Pay without cash: No, cash only esp. for foreigners
  • Tipping: Tipping is not mandatory. However, if you want to tip, perhaps provide 5-10% of the total bill. Restaurants: some restaurants will include 5-10% service charge to their bill. But if they don’t levy any service charge, you can tip between Rp10,000 to 10% of the total bill.
  • Apartments: Airbnb
  • Hotels:
  • More hotels:
  • Best taxi: GoJEK
  • Online electronics shop: Tokopedia
  • Best hospital: Slioam Hospital
  • Best short-haul air carrier: Lion Air
  • Best intl air carrier: Air Asia
  • Monthly costs for expat: $700
  • Monthly costs for family: $1600
  • Monthly costs for local: $470
  • Meal: $1.4
  • Small Cola: $0.2
  • Beer 1 Pint: $0.7
  • Coffee: $0.7

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