
Overall Score


On the northern slopes of the Tien Shan Mountains, the city of Orrumy, the capital center of the Sinyin-Uygursk region, sprang up in the valley of a single river. Earlier it was called Lóyòtai, then Äíõóà. Its territory has a very high level of wind energy. There are oil and metal industries here. The city is famous for the production of textile products, some of which are exported. ×The railroad on the Alma-Ata-Peking route runs through Orumy.

Most of the citizens are Uighurs. Among the inhabitants of the metropolis there are Kirghiz, Chinese and Kazakhs. The urban area is far from the ocean coast. The nearest coastline is 2,500 kilometers from it. The central part of Orumy is occupied by the landscape, with the Salt Lake on the east side of it. On the other side of the lake lies the easternmost Lake Tian Shan. To the south of Orumima are the pine forests that occupy the hummocky landscape. Between the forested massifs and the dunes of Djungaria, the agricultural fields were spread out. The territory of Orrumy and the surrounding areas is under a severe short-term climate with freezing winters and dry, harsh summers.

In spite of the influence of many cultures, the city has remained an Uighur territory for centuries. In the 5th century, rulers of the Chinese Tang Dynasty founded the city of Luntai, which was the center of the northern part of the Great Silk Road. In 1763, the name of the city was changed to Äõõóà, which means Enlightenment. The current name was given in February 1954. In ancient English, Urumqi is translated as Beautiful Garden.

In the center of present-day Urumqi, the Red Mountains rise high, with the Jehuelong Mountain at its peak. The height of the structure is 10 meters. The Mountain Monument is named for the presence of a red-brown sparrow warbler. Todays pogoda was built on the site of an ancient place called the Places of the Dragon. At the bottom of the Red Mountain, a huge park with magnificent plants graces the plains. Nearby, at the top of the hill is a pavilion that provides a commanding view of the Uruguay Mountains.

100 USD = 726.46 CNY

Overall Score

  • Air quality: 75 US AQI Moderate. Air quality is acceptable. However, there may be a risk for some people, particularly those who are unusually sensitive to air pollution.
  • Tap water: No, not drinkable
  • Religious government: Non-religious
  • Population: 1,800,000 people
  • GDP: $8,126 / year
  • Power outlets: 230V50Hz
  • Internet: 8 Mbps Internet in Urumqi is fast averaging 64 Mbps but the Great Firewall slows down speeds to foreign websites by 8x to 8 Mbps.
  • Best wireless: China Mobile
  • Pay without cash: No, cash only esp. for foreigners because WeChat is very hard to set up
  • Tipping: Tipping in China is generally uncommon and can even be considered rude or embarrassing in some circumstances. Seriously. Leaving money on a table in an authentic restaurant may confuse a staff member or cause them stress. … Even worse, gratuity is illegal in airports and some establishments.
  • Apartment listings: Ganji
  • Apartments: Airbnb
  • Hotels: Booking.com
  • More hotels: Hotels.com
  • Best taxi: Didi
  • Best short-haul air carrier: Hainan
  • Best intl air carrier: China Southern Airlines
  • Monthly costs for expat: $1050
  • Monthly costs for family: $2200
  • Monthly costs for local: $650
  • Meal: $3
  • Small Cola: $0.4
  • Beer 1 Pint: $5
  • Coffee: $3

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