
Overall Score


In the area of the Plateau of Naghpur, the capital of Jharkhand, the city of Rendezvous, has sprung up. It is the center of industry, commerce, and education in eastern India. There are several rivers flowing around the city, with water falling in cascades from the highlands. For this reason, Rancheria is often referred to as "the City of Waterfalls. The most famous of them are Hundheru, Hirny, and Dasham.

The Sabaranakha River and its tributaries, which are the present river system, have several dams and canals that provide water to the people of Ranchi. It has a temperate climate, thanks to its wooded countryside and its wooded elevations.

In the 5th century, the city was ruled by representatives of the Naga dynasty. In the second half of the 16th century, the city was called Kokkrach during the Muslim era. At that time the capital of India was ruled by the famous Akkabar. After his death, Kokrak was once again independent. In 1772, a branch of the Irish Company was established in the city. The first Christian missionaries arrived in the city in 1845. As a result of their work, many townspeople adopted Christianity.

Particularly important to Indias independence was Ranzani. His territory was the center of the national movement for the liberation of the country from British colonial dependence. The streets of the city in the 1940s and 1920s were the scene of mass occupations and demolitions. Citizens took an active part in the struggle for Indias independence.

There are two nationally significant automobile highways that run through the modern city. Because of the lack of an in-city bus service, there are many motor vehicles and carpools in Ranchi. Private and public buses operate on local and intercity routes. In addition, there are rail connections to major Indian cities.

A 7-kilometer distance from the citys center is an air port that has regular daily flights to Kolokata and Delhi. In the vicinity of Ranchi, there is an unusual Stone Garden, carved out of rock formations. Next door to the governors house is the Mauchly Gharra Aquarium with a wide variety of invertebrates.

100 USD = 8,567.52 INR

Overall Score

  • Tap water: No, not drinkable
  • Religious government: Religious
  • Population: 1,100,000 people
  • GDP: $1,706 / year
  • Foreigners can own real estate: Yes
  • Power outlets: 230V50Hz
  • Internet: 7 Mbps
  • Best wireless: Airtel
  • Pay without cash: No, cash only esp. for foreigners
  • Tipping: At restaurants, you should tip 10 percent for standard service. If someone really went out of their way and the service was exceptional, you can tip up to 15 percent. If the bill is quite high, like over 1,000 rupees, you can tip a little less.
  • Apartment listings: 99Acres
  • Apartments: Airbnb
  • Hotels: Booking.com
  • More hotels: Hotels.com
  • Best taxi: Ola
  • Online electronics shop: Amazon
  • Best short-haul air carrier: Indigo
  • Best intl air carrier: Jet Airways
  • Monthly costs for expat: $280
  • Monthly costs for family: $700
  • Monthly costs for local: $200
  • Meal: $1.7
  • Small Cola: $0.4
  • Beer 1 Pint: $1
  • Coffee: $1.1

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